Illustration of woman with travel items around her
Illustration of woman with travel items around her

Traveling with Myasthenia Gravis

It’s important to consult with your healthcare team before traveling. Check with your doctor to make sure you are safe to travel based on your physical condition and where you are in your MG journey.

For people living with MG, travel can be challenging; being well prepared may be key to making a trip go smoother.

Whether you’re traveling for the holidays, a summer vacation or a much-needed getaway, traveling with myasthenia gravis (MG) or as a supporter of someone who lives with MG may be difficult. Taking a little time in advance to make sure you’re fully prepared may help lead to a smoother and lower-stress trip. Learn helpful planning tips and download and complete our packing checklist to help you prepare for your next trip.

Advance planning may make traveling with myasthenia gravis easier. Check out these MG-specific travel planning tips to help prepare for your next trip.

  • Bring a medical ID card or journal with the following information: Medical history, any allergies you have, your doctor’s contact information, family’s contact information and a list of your current medication
  • Ensure that all medication* is easily accessible and kept with you rather than in a checked bag in case of a delay or if your luggage gets lost
  • Bring comfortable items such as a pillow and blanket in case of flight delays or long car rides
  • Bring your insurance information, including health insurance, medical evacuation insurance, travel health insurance and trip cancellation insurance (in case you need to cancel last minute)
  • Check with your doctor before you travel. You may require immunizations, medication refill, or be traveling to a place with restrictions
  • If driving, try to incorporate extra stops in your itinerary in the event you may need to rest
  • If flying, notify airlines ahead of time if you need to bring special equipment on your flight, or need help checking in and/or transportation assistance, including wheelchair requests, at the airport
  • Keep your baggage light if you’ll be carrying it yourself or stick to luggage with wheels. You may also want to consider sending your baggage ahead of time to limit what you have to manage the day of your trip
  • Learn where the nearest hospital is located where you are staying and if there are doctors there who are familiar with myasthenia gravis
  • Wear clothing that can be layered to avoid overheating or becoming too cold
Illustration of man traveling

Now that you’ve read the tips above, make sure you download or print out our MG packing checklist to bring along on your trip. You can even take pictures of the list on your phone to ensure you pack all these essentials. Living with myasthenia gravis can be difficult at times, but packing for your trip shouldn’t be.

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Print, fill out and bring this travel checklist with you on your next trip.

It’s important to prepare for travel in advance when you’re living with myasthenia gravis, and using these helpful tips and checklist may be a great way to help minimize stress for your trip. Remember to consult with your healthcare team and share this article and checklist with your family and friends the next time you’re planning on traveling to help ease your mind.

*Remember to check the Transportation Security Administration website to double check what items you can or cannot bring onto an airplane, including medicines.


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